In an effort to be more involved and engaged in the community, have robust board participation, and a better understanding of the goals and mission of the organization, Shawano County Literacy Council’s Board of Directors has been reviewing Global Giving’s “Ten Questions Everyone at Your Nonprofit Should Be Able to Answer.”
Question one consists of describing the organization’s mission, which is,
“Shawano County Literacy Council is a nonprofit all-volunteer organization whose main purpose is to provide tutorial services to any adult student wishing to become literate or skilled in speaking, reading and writing the English language.”
Questions two asks, “Why should donors trust your organization?” At a recent board meeting, members brainstormed reasons why and ways to help increase that trust.
Some really impressive ideas were suggested, as well as reasons why the council is valuable to the community. Some of the top examples include:
Having support from Wisconsin Literacy, a well-known literacy provider
Showing documented success and results
Providing a valuable and free community service
Receiving numerous donations and grants from other local community organizations and foundations
Maintaining transparency and approachability in all its functions
Ensuring the longevity of volunteers
It was a majority consensus that, in addition to all the things mentioned, the biggest reason that donors – and the community-at-large, should trust Shawano County Literacy Council is
They believe in what they do.
The board of directors for Shawano County Literacy Council is a diverse group of women in varying stages of life and are always looking to expand volunteer opportunities to any interested parties.
You can connect with Shawano County Literacy Council via email, or phone 715-524-6506, on Facebook @ShawanoLitCo, or their website